Monday, November 13, 2006

Brave Little Soldier

Today, I took The Boy to the doctor for what we thought was a mild eye infection. One of the downsides to daycare, of course, is that the little ones are susceptible to every circulating bug. The office was jam-packed, and the wait was long. Forty-five minutes after we arrived, we finally saw a doctor. During that time, The Boy went from lazily playing with a truck, to sitting on my lap, to laying his head on my chest and sucking his thumb. He was burning up and one cheek was bright red, as if someone had slapped him. After a thorough examination, not only did he have an eye infection in both eyes, an ear infection in both ears, but a fever of 104! The Boy and I waited another half hour in the examination room while the doctor tried to find an antibiotic that wouldn't give The Boy hives. During that time, The Boy lounged dispiritedly in my lap, eyes half-closed, breath rattling, like a sleepy, wheezy furnace. My stomach clenched and I clung to him, desperately hoping that my heart would catch up to my head, and believe what I knew to be true. All babies get sick. It's perfectly normal. It sucks, but it's perfectly normal. When the doctor handed me the prescription, the words stuck in my throat. In the silence, there came a squeaky little voice that said:

"Tank ewe. Buh-bye!"

Ahh, my love, you are braver than I am.


Suzanne said...

Poor boy! I hope he's feeling better. It's so hard to see your child sick like that.

Beck said...

My heart just broke - poor brave little man. Nothing is worse than having a baby sick! My kids have been through some doozies, and my hair is likely stark white under all the hair dye as a result.

Anonymous said...

My sisters always tell me that sickness is good because it builds up immunity for the future. I always sneeringly remind them that their kids are now teens and adults so AHHHHGGGHHH!!! There's nothing so sorrow-inducing as clinging to your sick babe.

Anonymous said...

That is heartbreaking. It's hard to see them sick.

What a good little boy you have! I hope that he is feeling much better very soon. (And you too!)

karengreeners said...

poor little guy. nothing worse than being sick (at least, for mom).
bee has had a double eye infection before (she got it while we were on vacation). putting the drops in is not fun. let me know if you need any pointers.

kittenpie said...

Oh, poor little man. And poor mama, too - it's awful to mother sick kids. It always makes me feel so inadequate not to be able to fix it, to tell her I understand, but can't make it better.

Anonymous said...

I hope your little one is feeling better. It hurts to see our babies sick.

Anonymous said...

My stomach is clenched too, just thinking about it. But yeah, all kids get sick. And a few parents I know with kids older than mine swear that some kind of developmental milestone or spurt always happens after illness. My brother thinks it's a necessity of growth.

I hope you both feel better soon!

Mayberry said...

Aww, poor little pumpkin. Hope the drugs do the trick quickly.

Sandra said...

Oh poor sweetie. What a brave little guy. Big hugs to the both of you.

Her Bad Mother said...

Hope he feels better soon, poor little man...

Beck said...

I'm so sorry to hear that he's still sick. Get better, baby boy!

Debbie said...

god. is there nothing more heart- and gut-wrenching than the kiddo, sick, pressed against you listlessly? ugh.

I'm hoping he's on the mend.