Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Please Play Again

You have no idea how infuriating these three words are to me. Every day at work, I go down to the Timmies and buy myself a large hot chocolate. They never fill it to the top because they have hot chocolate that comes out of a machine, all they have to do is push button, but the large button doesn't fill the large cup. Fine. Most days I have to wait in a line so long that I'm wondering if anyone really works anymore, or they just show up as a pretense to go get coffee. Fine. I generally get coffee for one or more people and eventhough my hands are full, I'm expected to hold the door for someone else instead of the other way around. Chivalry is dead. Fine. But this RRRRRRRoll up the RRRRRRRim to Win thing is making me TENSE. Cause I don't. Win. Ever. Okay, fine, I've won a free coffee or two. But buying a beverage five out of seven days, you figure you might beat the odds somehow. Now I'm not asking for a million dollars here. I know I'm privileged. I want for nothing, really. I mean, I want a lot of things I don't have, but really - I want for nothing. Far better that the Large Jackpot goes to the person at the end of their rope who doesn't know how they are going to make ends meet this month. I am not that person. I am simply a person who buys a beverage every day of this stupid contest in the hopes that I might see those two lovely little words "Win/Gagnez". And it's not about the prize. Don't get me wrong, I would love a thousand dollars, or a plasma TV. But what I really want is recognition. I want some person - or in this case some cup - to say "you are doing a good job, Nomo, you deserve a prize". It would make my day. Truly. Is that so wrong?


Mad said...

I am so with you on this. The second I see that piss yellow colour I know that I'm screwed. C'mon, give me a free coffee, mothercorp. Just give me a free cup of JOE!!!

Beck said...

Yes, I'm always briefly filled with despair when I don't win.
My late Uncle was the king of that - he won dozens of times, including a barbecue AND a vehicle! But he was the worst person on earth, which leads me to think that Roll Up The Rim only rewards the evil.

karengreeners said...

you're funny.
I like to win because I'm competitive. Don't make no nevermind to me what the prize is. Just like to win. So the fact that I have yet to win even a fakkin donut this year, but I have been across from at least 3 people on my subway rides that roll, then rip the little rim off and put it in their pocket? Grrr.

But, uh, maybe you should cut down on the caffeine. It's making you a bit buggy.

NotSoSage said...

Say it with me, NoMo, "Coffee and a muffin..." please.

You're hilarious.

You mean there are people who go to work for something OTHER than the coffe? Huh.

Betsy Mae said...

i get my kids to roll...i'm a loser in the winning dept.

Mimi said...

I hate that I have to use my teeth to get the damn thing to roll, and always dribble something on myself in the process, and then am told in both official languages that I am, alas, most emphatically NOT a winner.

GRR, indeed.

I'm with Beck: clearly the system rewards the evil.

MARY G said...

Since you are a serious rim roller, are you aware that a company called Lee Valley Tools makes a gizmo to unroll rims?
Only in Canada, eh?

Blinking frustrating 'please play again'

Kyla said...

*lol* One of my sister in law's is a winner. And her mom is a winner, too. I think its genetic and I don't have that gene!

ms blue said...

I've won one coffee and one donut. You don't even want to know how many I've bought.

I've heard a rumour that most of the winning cups get shipped to the new locations. hmmmm...

kittenpie said...

Ha! Me too. Seriously. One day I won a donut, but we were off at a parade and traveling by subway and had nt stroller, so I couldn't even be bothered carrying the damn thing home to use later. Even something as useful as a cup of coffee would be nice but really? $1K? Nice. Hey, I'm not greedy, I'd be damn pleased with an ipod! Where's the love, I ask you?