Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Magic of Unicorns and Oxy Deep

I spent a large portion of yesterday evening on my knees, and I wasn't prayin'. I'm just sayin'.

I was scrubbing the carpet. (What did you think?? Get your mind outta the gutter.)

SOMEBODY (who shall remain nameless, although it wasn't me, and the kids don't drink yet) accidentally spilled red wine our our newly steamed cream coloured carpets. We tried our old standby, Folex, but eventhough we poured it on, the stain only went from red to purple. Not the effect we were trying to achieve. So Mr Earth ran out to Canadian Tire and picked up Woolite Oxy Deep 2X and it took the stain out in a snap. It was akin to a miracle. There is only a faint blush colour left, and you'd have to know where to look. I'm a convert.

Speaking of miracles - have you ever seen a policeman riding a unicorn? (Would that be considered a miracle? Or a happening? Anywho.) I'm over at Playdate talking about just such an occurence. Curious? Come on over and read.


painted maypole said...

i've only ever seen policemen on griffins

Woman in a Window said...

Makes me wonder what's in the elixir. Maybe better not to ask. said...

Woolite's the best. Not that you'd know it by looking at my carpets....

Tania said...

Where were you when I needed you? I killed my rug with a different product and then had to buy an area rug to cover it up.

crazymumma said...

Then dude. Why wasn't it Mr. NoMoEarth doin' the scrubbin'?