Wednesday, April 25, 2007

That wasn't ketchup on his shirt..

I knew I shouldn't have gone to work today from the moment I got up. I was more tired than I should be considering that it's been almost a week since I finished exams. I wasn't feeling sick, exactly, but I was experiencing a general malaise. I seem to have contracted the Boy's goopy eye syndrome, too.

My day started at 6am by going outside in my pyjamas and picking up the trash can that our aggressive neighbourhood raccoons had knocked over. In the middle of my shower, I was seized with the fear that I had thrown out the government tax return check, so I showered quickly and went on a frantic dripping search through the piles of mail on our dining room table. I hadn't thrown it out, of course. I never throw out money. When I woke the Boy, he asked to go back to bed. I should have listened. I wanted to go back to bed too.

I spent a long, frustrating trip on the subway because someone had pulled the personal assistance alarm. I finally got to work and had no sooner sat down then I got a call from Mr Earth. The Boy fell at daycare and had cut his head rather badly. A mother who was a doctor saw it and thought it would need stitches. They wanted me to meet him at the hospital emergency room. They tried calling me, but when they couldn't reach me (I was stuck on the subway), they called Mr Earth. Mr Earth is out of town on business.

We spent a long time waiting to see a pediatrician, eventhough there didn't seem to be anyone there. The Boy was being very good and cooperative, but his bandage fell off at one point. The cut had been described to me as "deep, but small". It actually extended almost the length of his eyebrow, and when I saw it my stomach lurched. I'm not queasy at all with cuts and scrapes, but there's something innately wrong about seeing perfect two-year-old flesh sliced open. I knew the first real accident that requires medical attention could happen any day, but it's quite another thing entirely to be sitting and looking at it. I was shocked that the Boy was so calm. My poor brave, bandaged baby. The only time he cried at the hospital was when the doctor glued the cut together. Glue for flesh is weird. Better than stitches, though, all told. Not sure I could watch my baby's flesh being sewn together. Although, I'm sure I will someday.. .knock on wood. At least today eased me into it a bit.

The Boy was fantastic throughout - a real trouper. Other than not taking a nap. At all. The whole day. My tired old bones weren't happy.

Anyone know of a good way to get blood stains out of shirt?


karengreeners said...

oh no! poor thing (both of you). glad to know that he's no worse for the wear, and hopefully, neither are you.

Mad said...

Ouch. One thing I discovered this past week, with an albeit very much less injured toddler on my hands, is that 2-yr-old flesh is like vampire slayer flesh. It heals in the wink of an eye. I have had paper cuts annoy me longer that my daughter's face remained scraped up.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Mayberry said...

aww--he looks like such a brave big boy!

Beck said...

Aw, poor baby boy. Believe me - the glue method is MUCH better than the traditional stiches method.

mamatulip said...

Oy! Poor little guy. Sounds like he (and you) were quite brave. Sorry it was such a crappy day; I hope today's a bit brighter.

Mimi said...

Ack! I'm with Mad: he'll heal so fast it'll be amazing. Sounds like a pretty bad day all round. And weird: in teh shower today, I freaked out about a govt cheque. Except I haven't found it yet. Ulp.

Gabriella said...

Ouch!!! Hope he feels better soon. Although with kids that age they usually get better pretty quick. Unlike us adults!

Kyla said...

Poor guy!! I hope he heals quickly!

crazymumma said...

Throw the shirt out.
What a crappy day. Hope the weekend makes up for it.

crazymumma said...

Oh...and I am glad he is is us parents who feel it the worst.

Kelly said...

It's so not fair that our children have to, inevitably, get injured. It's horrible to see, but it sounds like your son was a trooper.

Can't help you with the blood stains. I am notorious for letting something soak in to the point that I can never ever get it out.

kittenpie said...

OMG! Look at that gorgy red hair! I had no idea!

Glue is better, and used more often now for smaller cuts.

Pumpkinpie has only had a big bump on concrete requiring concussion watch, but so far only scrapes and bruises, so no real blood. It's good you weren't there, because the smallest cut on the head bleeds like crazy! Misterpie has a little scar in his eyebrow from a small cut that required stitches too, but you don't even see it. (Think of all the ruggedly handsome guys with eyebrow scars out there, though - it could be a good thing...)

Hope you are feeling better about it by now!