Thursday, January 14, 2010


Five years ago today, I became a mom.

1 year ago today, I became a stay-at-home mom.

Through it all, you've been with me.

I couldn't have done it without you. That smile is sometimes the only thing that has kept me going.

You've got something special, kid.

Life is good.


karengreeners said...

Holy Moly. Happy Birthday C, and happy BIRTHday to you, mama!

MARY G said...

He's all boy, isn't he. Gorgeous! Happy Birthday and Anniversary to you both.

Jess said...

He just gets better and better, doesn't he??

Wowza. Happy Birthday, big guy!

wherewiller said...

Happy Birthday!

kate said...

Oh my goodness! Where does the time go?

Happy birthday!

Mad said...

A happy belated birthday to a positively darling boy.

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metro mama said...

Happy birthday to him!

Kyla said...

I hope five is wonderful!