Thursday, June 07, 2007

Of Harry Potters and Puff Mommys..

I was talking with a colleague of mine at work about Harry Potter, and she said that she wasn't interested in reading it because she thinks that magic is silly. I was floored. I had to bite my tongue to keep in the million things that I wanted to say in response to this flabbergasting revelation. What do you have against magic? Did you have a bad experience as a child? Magic is supposed to be a bit silly, that's kind of part and parcel with the fantastic. In the end, I told her that she should just try reading the books because they are really quite good, and that although magic obviously plays a big part, that's not really what they are all about.

Since then I've mulled this over in my head, trying to figure out what I could have said differently to convince her to give the books a try...

Read more from Mama Drama at MBT


Okay, so I'm just over 16 weeks pregnant and all my pants still fit but my shirts don't. I'm busting at the seams here, folks. I had to cross my arms at my meeting this morning, because I was afraid that a button would pop off my blouse and hit a colleague in the eye. It's embarrassing. Should I be at all concerned that I'm only gaining weight on the top half of my body?? I seem to remember last time that I was putting elastic bands in my waistbands of my pants to relax the fit, but that shirts were no problem. Am I a freak, or what? Ack.


kittenpie said...

Hon, by the time I was 5 months in last time, I was only a little thick in the middle, but threatening to bust out of a very full Dcup and into DD. ON the up side, I had buckets of milk... (Yeah, TMI, I know!)

karengreeners said...

ohmygod, nomo, i'll trade. my boobs have increased to a paltry b-cup (tho that's huge for me), but i grew out of my last pair of fat pants last week.

Beck said...

I looked like I was five months pregnant two seconds after that second stripe showed up, last pregnancy. And my boobs always become SHOCKINGLY big. Like, g-cup, God help me.
About the magic thing - some people have very serious reservations about books with magical content for religious reasons. I'm comfortable with the magical elements in Harry Potter because it's something that just happens, but there are books and movies that I wouldn't let my children watch, ever. It's not a failure of my imagination - it's ensuring that my children's morality is being guided the way that I see fit.

Christine said...

Left a magic comment over at the other post. . .

Not much advice on the growing top half. I guess it will all catch up soon enough.

Gabriella said...

Trust me, from a small girl on top with large hips, it's wonderful to go the opposite!

Run ANC said...

Ok, I feel like I should clarify so that people don't think that I have SuperBoobs or something.

Although, yes, my boobs have gotten noticeably bigger, they've simply gone from a AAA cup to a not-quite-B-cup. It's my WHOLE TORSO that is bigger. Heck, even my ribcage is bigger. I never gain weight on my ribs! Ever! If I wear a buttoned blouse, it feels like I'm wearing a corset.

And not only do my pants still fit, but I have to wear a belt to keep some of them up.

Yup, I'm a freak.

ewe are here said...

I think perhaps your top half is just throwing itself back into the spirit of pregnancy because it knows the path... :-)

My tummy did that with number 2...

And I love the Harry Potter books, and even my husband really enjoys them ... can't wait until my boys are old enough to share.

Susanne said...

I had that bigger boobs and whole bigger torso thing too when I was pregnant. My tummy only followed suit after 20 weeks or so.

But then I was quite big even before pregnant. And I never got it that my ribcage expanded so much - and my feet.