Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beginnings and Endings

Today was Big C's last day of daycare. He's only been going two mornings a week since I officially became a SAHM. He had lots of friends there, and we thought some continuity and some time to focus on Little G exclusively was a good idea. But, it being summer, most of his friends are either on vacation or leaving to go to another daycare pending the start of their school year. I thought it would be nice to have a month where we didn't have to be anywhere at any particular time unless we wanted to be. Starting September 8th, we have to be at school at 8:55am precisely, every single weekday. (Couldn't they have made it 9am? Really?? 8:55am?? It's like I'm watching BBC TV, or something.)

It was surprisingly emotional. Getting him to daycare has become more trouble than it's worth, and I thought I would be glad to see this day come. Big C has been there 3 years, though. We know all the teachers. They taught him things like sitting at a table, drinking from a real cup, sleeping on a bed (not a crib), using the potty and even, sometimes, eating vegetables. If it were up to me, he would probably still be in diapers, sitting in a high chair and drinking pop in a baby bottle. I kid. I don't give my kid pop. Oh. Unless you count the "Gingerale Medicine" I give him when he has a tummy ache. (Ha! Thanks to my french immersion education, I totally don't know how to spell medicine! Is that right? I spelt it "medecine" first off, without thinking.)

Everyone had big hugs for him, and the daycare administrator even got him a present. They have been very good to us. I was mortified that I could only afford to give them homemade cards and a teenie tiny box of chocolates each. I wish I could have gotten them something more substantial to show my thanks, but I had eight teachers to buy for. It adds up. And when you're agonizing over whether or not you should return a $12 t-shirt because it was an unecessary expense, you can't just go and spend $200 bucks on presents. Still, I hope they know that the size of the gift doesn't reflect my gratitude.

And next up, Big C will be on to bigger and better things: SCHOOL! Can it really be that time already?

And speaking of new very good friend, Metro Mama, just had her baby. A little brother for Cakes. I'm so happy for her! She's already enjoying the wonder that is little girls, and now she gets to find out that boys can be da bomb, too. Happy Birth Day, little man!


Anonymous said...

i think the homemade cards will tip them off to your gratitude.

painted maypole said...

as a person who works at a preschool i can tell you that any teacher worth their salt doesn't give a flip about the present, but they LOVE LOVE LOVE a heartfelt note of thanks.

karengreeners said...

I am SO dreading having to have Bee at school everyday, dressed and everything, by a certain time. STRESS.

Oh wait, Chris does mornings. I'll be drinking coffee and twittering from my desk by then. Never mind.

MARY G said...

Days with no deadlines! Priceless. But, I must confess, I do remember welcoming September with open arms. (BAD mommy!).

Mimi said...

Oh, I am going to cry like a baby when we leave Munchkin's daycare. It's kinda amazing how much of the work of civilizing our kids they do. Did you know that at Munchkin's daycare, they taught the kids to wait until everyone is served and seated before beginning to eat lunch? Wow.

Enjoy the time together ...

Kyla said...

Awww! He's growing up!