Little known fact: I'm just not that into Hallowe'en.
You'd think that a holiday centered around dressing up in costume and getting candy would be right up my alley (don't say it, Crazymumma). But I get my fill of costumes from the stage, and although the candy is great, I tend to eat waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, and then I just feel guilty. Add to that having to closely monitor the amount of candy the Boy consumes before bedtime (he is my son, after all), keeping the Little Guy up later than he would like, having to stand outside in the cold almost begging kids to come and take our candy (What's with that? Don't kids want candy? Am I frightening them away with my desperate cry of "Candy! I have candy! Please come and take it"!?), and the whole thing kind of makes me go... Meh.
I do love dressing up the kids, though. And I LOVE carving the pumpkin. I don't know what's gotten into me. I don't recall ever carving a pumpkin before we bought a house. Seriously. And now I'm all Pumpkin Competitor #1. So behold..
The Pumpkins Poor $2.99 pumpkins from Loblaws. They don't know the seriousness of their fate. I spent a week trying to figure out how I would get two pumpkins, two kids and a stroller home from the Village, and I finally gave up. I snagged these while I was getting samosas for our regular Tuesday night Indian cusine. The backs are all flat and scarred, but don't the fronts look nice? It's all about appearances.
The Plan
I have this freakish new tendency to carve the pumpkins to echo the kids costumes. I may have created a whole new category of fetish. Moving on. The Little Guy is going to be Cookie Monster. I created this design freehand based on a retro t-shirt that I found online.
The boy is determined to be a Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle. I didn't even know he knew who they were. And aren't they passé, anyways? Fashion-forward does not describe our family. Anyway, we compromised by buying him a turtle costume, and borrowing a blue mask from a work colleague of Mr Earth's. I'm hoping that the mask gets "lost" and he gets to be the cute plush turtle that suits his personality much better.
They probably won't last till Hallowe'en, so I had to photograph them all lit up today. I highly recommend that you don't carve your pumpkins untill the day of, if possible, especially if they are intricate or delicate. They tend to wilt. However, with two small kids in the house, carve ye pumpkins while ye may. Babies don't nap for very long. At least, mine don't.
These are great! I bow down to your decorative nature.....
We have the fake cobwebs and bats on the windows but have passed on the pumpkins this year. Next year!
Those are awesome! But the costume/pumpkin thing is a little crazy, no?
Wow, those are awesome!! My huz carves the pumpkin. This year he's doing some intricate thing with bats.
*jaw hits ground* those are beautiful - man NME, you are creatively talented all around. Cookie is delicious and TMNT looks so cool. Damn, can you come do mine. They both remain pumpkins with their inner jack-o-lantern screaming to get out.
dude. i bow down. my pumpkin looks like an axe murderer got at it.
You have some mad pumpkin carving skillz.
Ooooooooh, you're good!
Hey, nice looking orbs!
We carve tonight! And god help us all!
Love your pumpkins!
Hoping to carve ours tomorrow...
Um. Amazing. Utterly amazing.
OMG. You have to check my blog tonight after I post the photos of OUR PUMPKIN, THE COUNT VON COUNT.
Which Pynchon, our pumpkin artiste, drew and carved freehand after surfing the internet for photos.
You have a gift, my friend.
wow. wow.
the huz is standing here right now asking me what kind of knife he should use on our pumpkin
am showing him these and crying..
Those turned out AWESOME!
Very cool!! We did a dragon for our tonight.
That costume-pumpkin thing boggles my mind MORE than a little bit. Ho-lay.
The Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles - fyi - are not passe. They have a new show and are all the rage amongst the 3-8 set. Half the boys in The Boys class were TNTs. The rest were Iron Men.
TMNT. Oi. Isn't it sad that people are so uncreative these days, they have to recycle all OUR old cartoon heroes? yeesh! We saw a kid at Walmart on Friday...dressed as a POWER RANGER. Evidently they're back in fashion too. ugh.
You did an awesome job on those pumpkins. A+!
Those pumpkins look great !
I wish I could draw them myself.
I get all my patterns from
For just a few bucks I just print out the stencil and carve.
the price is minimal compared to the hours of work, it takes these guys to create these things.
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